Harper Lee Net Worth: How Much Is It Worth 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

Harper Lee Net Worth - Over 40 years ago, a young woman with a passion for writing had been struggling with a job that she hated until she received what could be described as the best Christmas gift ever - an envelope with her name on it. The parcel contained her salary for a year and a note telling her to take the year off and write whatever she pleased.

Author Harper Lee went on to quit her boring job as airline reservation receptionist and penned the classic How To Kill A Mockingbird, in two and a half years. The book became an instant success and still generates millions of dollars decade after it was first published.

According to reports, How To Kill A Mockingbird became so commercially successful that Harper Lee literally could not write any other book.

Harper Lee's How To Kill A Mockingbird has been translated to about 10 languages and the author has gone on to win several literary awards including the Pulitzer Prize and the Presidential Medal Of Freedom for her contribution to literature by President George Bush.

You may have read the classic, which has reportedly has sold over 30 million copies worldwide since it first hit the shelves on July 11, 1960. Experts say How To Kill A Mockingbird made Harper Lee a fortune.

Late last year, Harper Lee, who is now 87 years old, made headlines after she sued her agent Samuel Pinkus for tricking her into signing off the rights of How To Kill A Mockingbird over to him.

The news has since gone viral on the Internet and has led many to wonder just how much is Harper Lee's net worth.

According to reports, Harper Lee has an estimated net worth of $35 million. How To Kill A Mockingbird, which deals with racism recounted from Alabama where she was born, sees Harper Lee receiving $9,249 in royalties per day and still sells about 750,000 to 1 million copies yearly.

Reports indicate that Harper Lee's net worth is sure to rise even more as the religiously private author signed a deal with publishers HarperCollins, which saw her classic released in ebook format last year.

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