Horse In Scotland, Stabbed & Sexually Abused; Owner Offers £1,000 To Anyone That Would Lead To Arrest Of Perp

An 18 year-old female pony was killed and sexually violated in Aberdeenshire, Scotland between the midnight of Aug. 16 and the following morning.

Veterinarians had to put down the female pony named Blaze after succumbing to extreme pain due to the stab wounds inflicted to her.

Zoe Wright, owner of the horse, posted on Facebook that the animal had been stabbed twice on its chest before being sexually violated overnight in its New Pitsligo field. Thirty year-old Wright wants to seek justice for the death of Blaze who, according to her, is the "nicest pony in the world." She has since posted a £1,000 reward to whoever would lead her to the "complete low life scum" that assaulted her pony, the Daily Star reported.

According to Express, Wright's post has already been shared over 10,000 times and has received hundreds of comments expressing empathy and support to her search for the perpetrator.

The police has confirmed that it had received a report regarding an attack made to a horse in Aberdeenshire at the same time Blaze was wounded. They said initial investigations have already been conducted.

Detective Chief Inspector Norman Stevenson said that there is still an ongoing inquiry as to what happened to the horse and appealed to the neighborhood involved to report to the police any suspicious or unusual occurrences in the area at the time of the horse's wounding, the Guardian wrote.

The mourning owner of the pony advised horse owners in said Facebook post to always check on their animals and look for any wounds or cuts. Similarly, the police reminded residents to regularly check on their animals and report to patrolmen any unusual or suspicious incidents that occur in their area.

Anyone who would have an information that would lead to the arrest of the culprit may call the Scottish police at 101.

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