Netflix And Ubisoft In Talks To Make ‘Assassin’s Creed’, ‘Watch Dogs’, And ‘Tom Clancy’ TV Series

Movies and video games do not always mesh well, but recent reports have surfaced that video games may get another medium in the form of TV shows. Apparently, Ubisoft is engaged in talks with Netflix to create a TV show based on some of their hits including "Assassin's Creed", "Watch Dogs", and "Tom Clancy."

Gamers might be a tad bit distrustful of this news as they have been burned by so many bad crossover video game movies in the past. With duds like the "Street Fighter" and the "Super Mario Bros." movies of the 90s, it will be hard to fault them for being quite uneasy with news like this.

But if Netflix' recent Marvel Comics to TV Show foray is any indication, then there is good reason to believe that this collaboration between Ubisoft and the Network will churn out good shows. As per Jobs & Hire, Netflix has been working extra hard to make TV shows of exceptional quality this year and even more so in 2017.

According to Reuters, while addressing the crowd regarding keeping the company independent, Ubisoft CEO has also spilled the beans that they are eyeing a TV series with Netflix. As to what the games getting an adaptation are, is still shrouded in mystery.

A good guess is that it will be Ubisoft's hit, "Assassin's Creed" getting the green light. It is already made into a movie starring Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard and is already figured to turn out great in terms of reviews.

This is because the game has a rich enough backstory and plot to turn it to a good movie. So having it in a TV show is definitely not that farfetched. Just check out this trailer by Fox Movies.

The only two games from Ubisoft's catalog that could make a great transition to TV are hacking adventure "Watch Dogs" and the fast-paced shooter "Tom Clancy" games. Watch out for a surprise announcement from Netflix about a new video game adaptation to be announced next year.