4 Tips for Writers to Avoid Writer's Block

Many writers encounter the so called "writer's block." At some point, writers do not how to write and stare at the blank sheet. The creative part of the brain wouldn't function and it cause for some writers to be frustrated with their works.

An article from Entrepreneur stated that there are 4 action a writer needs to do to avoid writer's block:

1. Practice 'the kindergarten trick.'

Like a little kid, remember the things that has taught to you when you were still in kindergarten. Try to practice the fill in the blank kind of exam. List some specific questions provided with answers and keep it. When you encounter writer's block, you will know what to do. This is one of the easiest way to avoid such circumstances.

2. Write like a professional athlete

Every athlete needs to exercise; this is also same with writers. Prepare what you need to do; outline the tasks for the whole day. Reading, gathering relevant information, and relaxing your brain will help you be a professional in terms of writing.

3. Get a little creepy with your friends

Decide what you will write. Select the type of characters that you want to write and relate it with your friends or even family member. Think about what are the traits or attitude of the people around you to make the story realistic.

4. Write until it gets good

All people can write, of course. But not all people can be dedicated in terms of writing. Practicing your writing skills everyday will help you to improve. There is no such thing as "writer's block," sometimes it is all in the mind on why you think hazy and unable to make an article or story. Self-criticism is one of the reason why writers are giving up easily; Motivate yourself rather that underestimating your work.

Copywriter Eugene Schwartz says that reading and highlighting the phrases in a book are very important, or the passages that are interesting. Gathering these relevant information will help the writer to prevent having a complete blank imagination, as stated from another article of Entrepreneur.

There are also tips shared by Jobs & Hire about effective business writing.