Colorado- Hemp, which is commonly known as a variety of marijuana or cannabis have finally have its first largest harvest in Colorado after fifty years.
Hemp industry started during the legalization of Amendment 64, which set the rules for marijuana and hemp production, including the dosage of hemp medical administration, and how large the hemp harvest production must be. "For fifty years, we are happy that at last, we were able to grow this huge, and we are sure about its benefits to the people", Loflin and other Hemp raiser said.
That is why last week; they organized an event that would show the fruit of their hard work, as they finally present the data of hemp production, which was considered as the largest after fifty years.
Loflin and the rest considered the harvest as the symbol of Hemp industry, as it was a production of dedication and hard work among the farmers. "We think that this is the first symbolic hemp harvest" he added.
Majority of the Hemp raiser consider the harvest as historical, as it is the largest hemp volume in the history.
On the other hand, the US governments have no plans to sue hemp farmers for pursuing such plants. Instead, they are expecting that Loflin will have more supporters, as he was considered as the leader of Hemp famers.
In addition, U.S Department of Justice Steenstra also believed that Loflin is also capable of enticing other to follow his lead. "He is a charismatic person, so we at the White House will not be surprise if Loflin will someday have his own Hemp Party Group that will voice out the concerns among hemp raisers".
As of the moment, Loflin was able to harvest almost quarter- acre of his land so far.