The CW's wildly popular show, Supernatural, enjoyed a big night in the ratings game Tuesday night. The show had a surge in viewership; its biggest over the past three years. Fans of the show are overjoyed and claim to be the real winners against Justin Bieber fandom, known as "Beliebers." But what is all of the brouhaha about? For those living under a rock or those who have more pressing concerns, here's the backstory on this latest chapter involving the singer.
Justin Bieber's house was searched by police on Jan. 14 after he allegedly egged his neighbor's home, causing about $20,000 in property damage to the home. While searching for evidence linking Bieber to the egging, police reportedly found illegal drugs in the pop star's home; but instead of arresting Bieber, the police arrested Bieber pal and rap artist, Lil Za, who claimed the drugs belonged to him.
Supernatural star, Jared Padalecki, 31, took to Twitter and accused Bieber of paying his friend to take the fall. Beliebers immediately fired back and vowed to boycott the CW's hit show. Padalecki has told E! News that after his Tweet, he received threats from Bieber followers.
It looks like the CW is having the last laugh. The show's ratings were up 23 percent (2.7mil/1.1) making it the most watched episode since Oct 2010. Meanwhile, social media outlets are reporting that police plan to obtain another search warrant for Bieber's cell phone. Police are said to be looking for evidence linking Bieber to the egging but he reportedly isn't cooperating; refusing to give police his phone password. Police will need to get a warrant to give his cell phone carrier in an effort to retrieve evidence.