Michael Brown’s Memorial Burns In Ferguson

By Staff Reporter | Sep 24, 2014 03:18 PM EDT


Michael Brown's Memorial was burned down a few feet away from the spot where he was shot. Many blamed the police for not putting the fire out even if they said that they tried all they can. On the same sight many participated in Michael Brown's Services.

Michael Brown, an unarmed teen was shot by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson. Wilson shot Brown after the teen reached for the officer's gun. Witnesses say Wilson shot about a half-dozen times at the center of Canfield Drive Brown as he tried to run away.

Brown's death urged several riots and protests for witnesses said that he already surrenders his hand when Wilson shot him. Michael Brown was given two memorials when he died. The smaller memorial is the one that burned and included there were signs, teddy bears and blankets offered to him by the people in Ferguson. The people doubt the candle being the source of the fire because they thought they smelled gasoline and they just saw the Fire Department watching Michael Brown's Memorial burning.

Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said in an emailed report that the fire left him "saddened." He believed the first officer on the scene tried to extinguish the fire but couldn't. The Fire Department eventually put it out.

The people paid respect by setting up Michael Brown's Memorial on August 9. They are still questioning if the shooting of this black and defenseless 18 year-old by a police is sufficiently examined. The shooting is still under investigation by a country grand jury which will determine if there is a big possibility to indict Wilson for his actions.

On the morning after the fire, a new Michael Brown Memorial was built and there, people started to join hands in praying for him. The new memorial is on the curb leading up to the Canfield Apartments. Teddy bears, posters, and flowers from the original memorial lie burned but covered with a white sheet.

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