April Fool's Day 2012: Greatest Prank of All Time is Still the 'Left Handed Whopper'

By Staff Reporter | Apr 01, 2012 11:30 AM EDT


April Fool's Day is that time of the year when millions of neurons in our brain start racking to find all possible ways to fool your friends. It is that time of the year when all the crazy naughtiness inside you comes rushing out... and it makes for great fun.

If you are thinking of all the crazy and funny things you've done all these years, it may still not match the greatest prank of all times - the Left Handed Whopper!

Wondering what it is?

The whole episode was sponsored by Burger King in 1998. On April Fool's Day, the burger makers released an advertisement on USA Today about the introduction of a new burger exclusively for the left-handed American. Since America had a staggering 32 million left-handers at the time, the ad got wonderful responses. The left-handed burger came out with exclusive offers. For example, even though the contents of the left handed whopper were similar to the original burger, the contents were reportedly shifted by 180 degrees to suit the left hander! What an idea!

Apparently not too many people realised that it really didn't matter! A burger is round... so the whole question of shifting 180 degress actually brings you right back where you started!

Would you have guessed it was a hoax? Many did not, actually! Burger King outlets were flooded with customers demanding the new variety as soon as the ad came out.

The next day Burger King officially announced the "left handed whopper" was an April Fool's prank!

So do you think your prank can beat this one?

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