Fattest Man Dies: Keith Martin Dies Of Pneumonia 2 Years After Being Named World Fattest Man

By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | Dec 06, 2014 04:11 AM EST


Fattest man dies - The man who held the record for being the world's fattest man has died at the age of 44, after becoming infected with pneumonia.

Keith Martin, a British citizen, who once weighed 445 kilos, is reported to have died from pneumonia in March. The world's fattest man dies just months after undergoing successful weight loss surgery. Doctors reportedly removed about three quarters of Martin's stomach and he had lost about half of his body weight.

Reports indicate that on a daily basis, the world's fattest man would consume at least 20,000 calories - this is 10 times what doctors recommended for adults.

According to local sources, Martin's breakfast included at least six-eggs. While his lunch and dinner usually consisted of several packs of kebabs, pizzas, take-outs and Big Macs. The world's fattest man drank at least 3.5 liters of coffee and two liters of fizzy drinks daily.

Kesava Mannur, the surgeon who operated and removed about three quarters of Martin's stomach at London's Homerto Hospital last year, called on the government to introduce fast-food-tax.

"The government needs to make unhealthy fast food more expensive-otherwise we'll continue to see more and more people like Keith," Mannur said. "In his case, it's a shame because he'd had successful surgery despite being high-risk because of his size. It was unlucky he then caught pneumonia."

He said the world's fattest, who was unable to leave his London residence for over a decade due to his crumpling weight, suffered from depression and other emotional issues. And he tried unsuccessfully to eat himself out of it.

"Keith, like many people, had some emotional issues and he turned to food for comfort," Mannur said. "That type of behavior is nothing new, but what is new is how easy it is for people in that situation to buy a lot of cheap junk food," he added.

Reports indicate that Martin had battled with weight problems since he was 16. Things took a turn for the worse in his twenties when his mother died and he became depressed. She also died of pneumonia.

"I've always been depressed. I am agoraphobic-I'm afraid of public places-but it was never treated," Martin said during a Channel Five interview.

"I'd resigned myself that either I was going to die in my bed or I was going to kill myself. But now I think 'you stupid person'," he said. "I just want to be happy, without needing food to make me happy."

Sources say the world's fattest man spent most his time in-doors watching TV or playing videos games. He admitted to using food to ease his emotional problems.

'World's fattest man dies' has made headlines in many countries. Martin is survived by two sisters, Sharon and Tinam who cared for him before his death. "We're still grieving. We miss him very much," Tina Martin said.

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