Camp EMS Teaches Teenagers About Emergency Medical Services

By Charlene Cooper | May 31, 2012 12:42 PM EDT


This summer teenagers between the ages of 14 and 17 can learn to become super heroes in their own right. They may not master the ability to fly like one, but they can learn vital techniques on how to save lives.

Emergycare, a Pennsylvania based nonprofit ambulatory service, will offer interested teenagers the opportunity to attend a 6 day long overnight camp, where they will learn what it takes to pursue a career in Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The camp will be held at Allegheny College, in Pennsylvania, from July 15-20 and Emergycare intends on accepting 100 teenagers to the camp this summer.

Camp EMS will be funded by a grant provided by the Erie Community Foundation, the Northwest Pennsylvania Healthcare Industry Partnership, EMMCO West (the regional EMS Council) and a medical technology company, Zoll Medical. With these contributions, Emergycare is able to make camp tuition affordable. It costs each camper $125 to attend and up to 10 scholarships are being made available for those who show a financial need.

Camp EMS will give the teens an opportunity to actively learn, teaching them Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and providing them with an American Heart Association CPR Certificate, once earned by the end of the week. The children will also get the chance to interact first hand with EMS professionals regularly. To encourage the children that a career in medical services can be exciting, camp Emergycare will bring in an air medical helicopter, for the teenagers to experience.

Aside from all of the career oriented learning the teenagers will take part in, the camp will provide fun activities for them daily, along with the opportunity to meet new people and learn team building skills.

Camp Emergycare will serve as a good first step towards these children's careers as EMTs or Medical Paramedics. Emergycare's goal is not only to encourage the children's interests in medical services, but also to show them that pursuing a career in medical services is a good way to enter the job market. The camp wants to show them that jobs in the medical field provide endless opportunities.

Emergycare notes, "Camp EMS is intended to showcase a practical and affordable way to enter the job market in a growth industry that has nearly unlimited potential for advancement. EMTs and Paramedics can choose to stay in those roles throughout their career, move into education and/or administrative roles in healthcare or continue their education to become nurses and doctors."

By the end of their camp experience, the teenagers will be able to apply for up to 8 scholarships to attend Emergycare EMT classes.

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