Donald Trump Slams Mexico Again, Wants South To Pay For A Wall Border To Signify US Separation

By Staff Reporter | Aug 17, 2015 06:00 AM EDT


Republican 2016 Presidential candidate Donald Trump has issued his six-page immigration reform "that will make America great again" saying he wants the Mexican government to pay for the wall that will demarcate the US from Mexico, August 16.

It can be remembered that Trump has lambasted immigrants from the south saying that when Mexico sends people, they do not send their best but rather, such people bring crime and drugs to the US, an ABC news report said.

Mexico announced last Month that it will refrain from joining the Miss Universe, a pageant held by the Miss Universe Organization owned by Trump after the latter gave a racist remark on individuals crossing the border, as reported by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

"We will not be taken advantage of anymore," said Trump in support to his immigration reform policy which will cover the construction of a wall along the border of America and Mexico, intensifying the adherence to the Constitution and prioritizing the American laborers before the immigrants coming to the US.

Trump further stated that the birthright citizenship should end, according to the Slate and even accounted Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of supporting such idea, pertaining to a bill introduced by the latter in 1993. Contrary to this, Senator Reid has already withdrawn his support to the concept six years later as it has been his "biggest mistake ever."

Meanwhile, the opposing Democratic National Committee blasted Trump and another Republican Presidential candidate Jeb Bush stating that the latter has been criticizing Trump for his sexist comments when in fact both are equally bad for women. Bush stated his uncertainty on the need to spend half a billion dollars for women's health issues in a speech at a Baptist Convention earlier this month, as reported by the NY Daily News.

In an email, DNC has stated that, "neither of these guys [from the Republican Party] should win this in 2016," attaching a photo of the White House where an arrow is pointed at.

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