First Presidential debate: Republican Romney takes center stage.

By Staff Reporter | Oct 04, 2012 01:52 AM EDT


Republican challenger Mitt Romney came across as the clear winner in the much awaited presidential debate between President Obama and Romney during the 90-minute debate at the University of Denver, Wednesday night.

The debate centered almost around the domestic issues on medicare reform and economyespecially fighting for jobs for the American people. 

The debate showed Romney shockingly convincing by offering sharper questions than Obama, often attempting to take the center stage giving the impression of someone having a clearer agenda on the table while Obama sometimes appeared to struggle with his own policies - including on Medicare.

Most opinion surveys show Obama with a persistent lead nationally but Wednesday's night debate could boost up the Republican's vote given his strong performance. 

Just 34 days before the Nov. 6 election, Romney's camp appears to be well prepared for a tight race. 

Biden and Romney's running mate, U.S. Representative Paul Ryan, will also debate once, on October 11.

Take a look at the photos of the first Presidential debate. 

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