Is 'Fallout 4' The Best Game Of The Year? Game Sets Record Breaking Sales

By Roemart Tamayo | Nov 12, 2015 06:00 AM EST


"Fallout 4" to say that it's a success would be an understatement.

As reported by Tech Insider, "Fallout 4" was just launched and it's making history in the video game industry.

And according to Steam's internal numbers and Steam Spy, the game already sold 1.2 million units for PC in just one day of being available.

Moreover, the game broke another Steam record because according to GameSpot, it currently has the most number of concurrent players at one time, for a game not developed by Valve.

That honor was previously held by another record breaking game, "Grand Theft Auto V," which peaked at over 300,000. For comparison, "Fallout 4" has peaked with 445,000 concurrent players in its first day.

In addition to that already amazing stats, the latest title from Bethesda Game Studios is also the top game on all of the Steam Store right now, and in terms of current players, it's also the top-selling game on the platform.

But what's amazing is, despite those already gigantic numbers, it only pertains to one store. The current data on how well the game sold on consoles fare, as it was launched simultaneously on the PC, PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One.

Safe to say, the sales figures are being projected as good and the good news is expected to be announced sometime this week or early next week.

But what makes the game great? According to Games Radar, one reason is "Fallout 4" gives a believable portrayal of what would the U.S will look like in the event of an actual nuclear fallout.

Of course for the sake of excitement and the spirit of video gaming, it can be a tad exaggerated, but still compared to other games and even movies, "Fallout 4" was described as trying to portray a plausible scenario.

And although it's already fun on its own, Forbes was kind enough to note what other things you can do to even make it more fun.

While playing "Fallout 4," it is advised to refrain from using the so called "Fast Travel" so you can better explore the game's map and environment. One reward for doing so, or rather, not doing so is you can find all sorts of neat things along the way.

Furthermore, the player is also advised to build settlements. Yes, it's not exactly an easy thing to do but building settlements are designed to provide the player a few useful features.

To conclude, "Fallout 4" is shattering records all for a good reason. And with the numbers to back it up, this may be the best game Bethesda Studio has done yet.

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