Who Run The World? Only Women Showed Up to Work Post Snowstorm, Senator Murkowski Praises Women in Senate

By J. Navarra | Jan 28, 2016 09:21 AM EST


The day after the snowstorm stilled the state, Senator Lisa Murkowski went back to work and noticed something was a little different that day. Where were all the men?

The Republican senator from Alaska noticed that she shared something in common with everyone present in the room. Every single one present in the Senate floor is a woman. The Alaskan Republican was one of the few lawmakers in the Capitol building that showed attendance after the weekend blizzard. 

Murkowski announced online that she and Senator Susan Collins, from Maine, that everyone in the room was female which includes the presiding officer, floor managers, pages and parliamentarians. She described it as fabulous. 

The occurence was not planned but it was a different feel to the room. 

Murkowski also noted that she and Collins are from very snowy states. She is probably hinting that they have a much thicker backbone for the cold. 

Collins tweeted out through social media with her handle @SenatorCollins her...

...Thanks to @lisamurkowski for joining me this morning to open the Senate - how fitting for Maine & Alaska to be here after the blizzard! 

Murkowski praised her female colleagues for braving the conditions and still showed up to work. 

This isn't the first time she noted attendance and tardiness in the Senate. Last year, Murkowski even uploaded a video on Facebook showing the empty halls of the Senate building when the federal government shut down the area in anticipation of the blizzard.

Emily Heil, a columnist from the WashingtonPost also commented on the girl power with her Twitter handle @emilyaheil:

Post-blizzard, @lisamurkowski notes an all-female Senate. "Perhaps it speaks to the hardiness of women.

The snow has already stopped and people are already clearing out the snow. Perhaps, the perfect song that can describe this would be Beyonce's "Who Run The World".

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