The Pronouncement Of The World’s Oldest Man Ever

By Staff Reporter | Dec 31, 2012 01:00 PM EST


A Japanese man living near Kyoto, Japan became the world's oldest man on the 27th of November. Indeed, Jiroemon Kimura, 115, who appears to be looking forward to celebrate his 116th birthday in a couple of months, is trending on social media sites and on the internet after his status was officially determined by the representatives of the Guinness Book of World Records on Thursday. He has now been living for 115 years and 252 days and is the longest that anyone has been living to date.

Based on his Facebook fan page, Kimura “awakens early in the morning, reading newspapers with the help of a magnifying glass. He enjoys speaking to guests and also follows live parliamentary discussions on TV." According to him, "small servings of food are the real key to a healthy and long life.” Kimura also lists the sun as one of the reasons why he has lived for so long and is said to have been consistently "looking up towards the sky."

He has 13 great-great-grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren, 14 grandchildren, and has had 7 children. He once worked as a postal worker and his birthday is April 19, 1987. The oldest person to ever hold this record though was Jeanne Calment, 122 years and 164 days, who died in 1997.

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