U.S. Minimum Wage Much Lower Than Australia, France, U.K., Canada

By Staff Reporter | Feb 16, 2013 05:47 PM EST


A proposal by President Obama to raise minimum wage in the U.S. to $9 per hour has put some Republicans up in arms, but the U.S. would still lag behind Australia, France, U.K. and Canada should the proposal be accepted.

Comparing the minimum wages in these nations currently yields the following data:

- Australia: $16.91 (hourly)
- France: $12.68
- Canada: $9.73
- U.K.: $9.50
- U.S.: $7.25 (current)

In total, more than nine countries pay wages over $9 per hour, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Opponents of raising the minimum wage cite the possibility of damaging job creation by forcing employers to pay higher wages. Proponents of the proposal say that the effect would be balanced by increased consumer spending.

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