How to Get Hired at Facebook

By Staff Reporter | Feb 16, 2013 07:05 PM EST


Will Barnett, on Facebook's engineer recruiting team for universities, revealed some tips on how applicants are selected during an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Reddit.

Facebook Profiles

First, the recruiter denied that an applicant's Facebook information would be referenced in the process. Presumably, Facebook would face a backlash for doing so, given its mantra of inviting more public sharing on its own site. However, they do use the Facebook Connect system to manage the hiring process.


Barnett described GPA as "one signal but never the only signal." To him, the candidate is an entire package, so they consider the big picture. Because some candidates have tremendous ability that does not show up on paper, the hiring team also looks at real world skills in coding and project work. Ultimately, the proof is in the pudding.

About Mark Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg was described as being highly accessible. Employees are expected to interact with him during sessions geared towards presenting questions and new ideas to the founder of Facebook.

Corporate Culture

The company is described as being similar to a startup, in the aspect of being innovative, fast paced and inspiring creativity. Barnett cited Zuckerberg's priority system, to earn money for the sake of building something better, rather than the other way around.

Ideal Candidate

The typical Facebook employee should create and "ship" results quickly, but with the end goal of a "more open and connected world" in mind. Candidates should fit the culture of "builders and hackers."

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