‘One Piece’ Manga Chapter 819 Spoilers: Lost Poneglyph Found In Mariejois? Zoro’s Full Power To Be Unleashed?

By Marijim D. | Mar 15, 2016 11:32 PM EDT


"One Piece" manga chapter 819 spoilers predicted that the lost poneglyph may be in Mariejois. The upcoming installment of Eiichiro Oda's series is believed to contain more information on Momonosuke.

In Ecumenical News' "One Piece" manga chapter 819 spoilers report, it was speculated that the location of the four red poneglyphs may finally be revealed. The poneglyphs are believed to be the way to Raftel, which is the last destination in the New World.

Apparently, Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates may have already gotten one poneglyph. "One Piece" manga chapter 819 may reveal who has the other three poneglyphs.

The publication noted that Big Mam and Kaido are rumored to have the other two poneglyphs. If this is confirmed, then the Straw Hat Pirates will have to fight them.

The fourth poneglyph, on the other hand, is still missing. Ecumenical News noted that readers believed that there was a clue given in the previous chapters of the "One Piece" manga.

During his fight with Luffy and Law, Doflamingo mentioned a secret about Mariejois. This may have something to do about the fourth poneglyph.

If "One Piece" manga chapter 819 confirms that Mariejois has the last poneglyph, the Straw Hat Pirates could get the chance to save the slaves from the Admirals. This could also be their chance to learn about Gonosei.

It was previously speculated that Jack will be returning to the island in "One Piece" manga chapter 819. Zoro then decided to pursue Jack and fight him.

A fight between Zoro and Jack would be interesting since readers may finally get to see Zoro's full power. It was noted that the Straw Hat Pirates will likely take on Big Mom's crew in the upcoming "One Piece" arc.

The Bitbag added that one Reddit user commented on the upcoming fight will turn out to be a real test for Zoro. Another Redditor wants to see the character giving his all in the battle against Jack the Drought.

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