How to Survive Your Workday When You’re Sleepy In The Afternoon

By Jose de la Cruz | Mar 24, 2016 12:57 PM EDT


Have you ever wondered that no matter how long you sleep at night, there will be days that you'll feel sleepy in the afternoon? Good if you're not working. But what if you're in the middle of an important task at the office and you really just can't fight your drooping eyes?

Well, don't worry. You're not the only one struggling with this problem. A survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation shows that nearly one third of American workers said that daytime sleepiness interferes with their work. And this happens several days in a month.

But does that mean that it's alright to be groggy as you do your work? Ask your boss and you'll get a sharp answer.

You have to fight the feeling and this is how you can do it.

1.    Get a grip of your mind. Resolve to get more energy and avoid doing things that will add to your already sagging condition. Mind over matter works here.

2.    Get out and soak in the sun for a few minutes. If it's sunny, the heat will give you the right spark. But if it's raining, the cold wetness of the rain will jolt you out of the blue.

3.    Drink a glass or two of water. Dehydration makes you even sleepier when you're tired. Some will drink more coffee. That can boost your energy but not too much though for it will cause you to be awake even when it's time for bed and you will have the same circuitous problem tomorrow.

4.    Move around as much as possible. Just sitting down in front of your desk with the cool comfort of air conditioning will not help your sleepiness. Get up and do some light stretching. Your boss will understand, because he does that too.

5.    Do easy tasks. If you really need to do some work, perform your routine task first, such as filing documents and replying to emails.

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