10 Subtle Signs You're The Boss Everyone Hates

By Steph Tortogo | Apr 02, 2016 09:53 AM EDT


You're probably the last to be informed if each and every one of your employees hates you. "Your staff will be very adept at making it a well-kept secret because they will do everything to keep their job security intact. But if you decide to boost your emotional intelligence radar and look for subtle signs that your team may be unhappy, you'll uncover a wealth of actionable feedback," Lynn Taylor, a national expert and author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant": How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job", said. Here are 10 subtle signs that your employees may secretly hate you, according to The Business Insider.

1.       Your gut feeling is telling you something. If you have a bad feeling that some things may be a bit off around you, then it's probably time to start being more aware of your surroundings. "The very first sign that things are going awry in your relationships with employees is a general gnawing feeling that you can't put your finger on. No manager can be liked by everyone, but there are far too many bosses who are not respected by enough of their staff," Taylor stated.

2.       Your employees can make eye contact with everyone else but you. "They're afraid that you may be able to detect hostility, so the path of least resistance is for them to look away or avoid being around you wherever possible," Taylor stated.

3.       Your employees don't usually smile around you. Taylor said that it's difficult for any employee to put on a happy face around the person they don't like.

4.       The moment you walk into the room, they stop what they're doing especially laughing and bantering. When your employees clam up when you enter the room, take it as a pretty huge sign that they don't really like you.

5.       Unlike before, your employees seem to be less passionate with their work. "If their level of enthusiasm has waned and you're not seeing your staff jump at opportunity to help out on new or existing projects anymore, it may be a sign you're disliked," Taylor said.

6.       You are never invited during their social events. This just means that they don't want you around or bear the pain of trying to interact with you the whole time.

7.       They confide in other managers but you. This is a sign that they are simply just not comfortable with you.

8.       Negative body language is shown. May it just be a subtle eye roll, body language reveals your employees' true feelings towards you.

9.       They always close their office doors. "Many employees don't have the luxury of their own office these days, but if they do, and their door appears closed more often than not, they may be commiserating with friends, family, or even other colleagues. They may be seeking advice, or worse, checking out greener pastures," Taylor said.

10.   They ask someone else for feedback. You may be dealing with employees who hate you if they rarely ask for your thoughts or feelings about their work.

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