Jumper Kills 5-Year-Old Girl: Korean Man Fall 11 Stories onto Girl; Parents Narrowly Escaped [VIDEOS]

By Staff Reporter | May 25, 2013 07:42 AM EDT


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A South Korean male committed suicide on Wednesday and fell 11 stories onto a little girl who has skull fractures and later unfortunately passed away.

The 38-year-old man died on impact.

The 5-year-old girl was with her parents at the time, exiting her apartment building, when the jumper plunged into his death from 11 stories above.

Police have not found any conclusive information that it was a suicide, as they were not able to find any suicide notes.

The resident at the port city, however, is being treated for depression.

The country famous for its nightlife and popular culture has overtaken Japan in its suicide rates in economically advanced countries. Statistics show that around 50 people a day commit suicide. Reports say that this is due to the increase in single person families and the continual stresses that is brought by the Confucian society.

The parents exiting the apartment with her was not physically injured.

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