Baby Rescued from Sewer Pipe: Chinese Woman Claims Unknowingly Gave Birth on Squat Toilet; 2 Hour Liberation Broadcasted All Over China [VIDEO]

By Staff Reporter | May 28, 2013 06:01 PM EDT


The new born baby in China suffered "severe bruising" but is now in "stable condition" in a hospital in the Zhejiang province.

The child was discovered after his alleged mother called in the authorities, claiming that she heard the crying of the baby coming from her squat toilet.

She was with the rescue process the whole time, said, and she had unexpectedly gave birth to the child. She called the police claiming that she heard "weird noises."

The boy was stuck in the L-joint of the pipe, with enough air to cry. Videos also do not show that the baby was covered in any blood when it was rescued.

The baby named Baby No. 59 (the number of his incubator in the hospital) was rescued after a two hour process that involved sawing off the sewage pipes and using pliers to puncture the shell so that the baby was not hurt in the process.

A doctor in the hospital said that the little boy will be given to social services if his parents do not claim him.

Abandoned babies are a regular sight in China, as the Han (the major race in China) are required to have only one child. Additional children can mean loss of financial privileges and can put couples in severe debt. As such, boys are considered more precious than girls to continue the family line.

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