Usain Bolt Beaten: American Justin Gatlin Crossed Finish Line Earlier Than World's Fastest Runner! [VIDEO & REPORT]

By Staff Reporter | Jun 06, 2013 09:12 PM EDT


American champion of Rome's Golden Gala Diamond League beat the six-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt on June 6th in a 100-meter race.

Justin Gatlin's time was 9.94 seconds; Usain Bolt's 9.95.

Usain Bolt, a Jamaican athlete, had a minor hamstring injury that could have impacted his performance. However, he was still the fastest of all the runners when the race first began.

Justin Gatlin was found to be using performance enhancing drugs in 2006, and was stripped from his world record. He had won a medal in 2004 Olympics, but had to be suspended for 4 years due to the PED drug use.

Gatlin had been trash-talking Usain Bolt before the match, and had apologize to him for that.

This was the first race between the two athletes, perhaps Justin Gatlin can get the US a gold medal?

After he was shown to have been placed second the race, Usain Bolt reacted by placing his two hands up, with a face expression that says, "I don't know."

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