Russell Brand Schools Hosts of MSNBC Show in Cringeworthy Interview for Not Being Better Journalists, Does Their Job for Them [VIDEO & REPORT]

By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | Jun 19, 2013 02:00 PM EDT


Comedian Russell Brand dealt the television journalists of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" some devastating blows during a cringeworthy interview Monday morning.

"He's a really big deal, I'm told this," said host Mika Brzezinski while introducing Brand, who was on hand to plug his new comedy tour called "Messiah Complex." The introduction in itself was enough to make the comedian visibly agitated. The interview began with some playful banter on Brand's part. When panelist Katty Kay asked, "Messiah Complex, that's the name of your tour. Do you have one?," Brand cleverly retorted "No, that's mental illness. Kay responded, "Right. And you don't have that either?" Here, it was evident that Brand took some offense. He answered, "I hope I'm here as a fully qualified professional gentleman, free from mental illness."

The interview only took a turn for the worse when Brand tried to stir things up by asking what MSNBC workers were doing over on the side of the studio. "Facebooking," the anchors replied. Panelist Brian Schactman then mentioned that whenever he hears Brand on the radio, he "can't understand a single joke." All three anchors then proceeded to talk about Brand in the third person, while Kay began calling him Willy Brand, clearly perturbing the British comedian.

At one point, Brand asks, "Is this what you do for a living?" and begins to take over for the television journalists, speaking about his tour directly to the camera and initiating a discussion about Edward Snowden and the recent NSA leaks. Brand had obviously grown impatient at what he deemed was the hosts' lack of professionalism. The highlight of the interview was at the end, when he noticed the way Brzezinski was clutching a water bottle and called her a "shaft grasper."

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