Nanny Cam Home Invasion Suspect Arrested: Robber Violently Beat Woman Multiple Times, But Loving Mother Stifled Cries to Protect 3-Year-Old Daughter! How Great Is Mother's Love? [VIRAL VIDEO]

By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | Jun 29, 2013 07:09 PM EDT


A 3-year-old baby girl witnessed a crime that gave brutal pain to her mother, but also showed her the brightest motherly love that many others might not have the privilege to witness.

The nanny cam home invasion suspect, 42-year-old Shawn Custis was arrested and put into police custody this week. The violent home invasion was caught on a nanny cam and recorded all the brutal attacks that the young mother received.

The young mother reportedly stifled her cries to protect her daughter, while the nanny cam home invasion suspect punched her, threw her down onto the ground, possibly tried to snap her neck, and threw her down the stairs.

"I knew that if I started screaming, my daughter would, too, and I was afraid she would get hurt," the woman told News 12 New Jersey. "I took it. I didn't cry the entire time."

The Police Captain Michael Palardy commented on the nanny cam home invasion. "There was no reason for him to touch her at all because she would have willingly gave him what he wanted. I've probably gone through [the nanny cam home invasion video] 20 times, and it still sickens me every time I see it. He had no regard for her life. He didn't care if she lived or died."

The home invasion victim suffered bruises, chipped teeth, cuts around her mouth that required stitches and concussions due to falling down to the basement. It is believed that the fall to the basement made her unconscious and she came up the stairs afterwards to call the police about the brutal incident.

The young 3-year-old daughter watched the several minute assault on the sofa, remaining silent during the nanny cam home invasion. "She's a little girl, just 3 years old," Palardy said. "Hopefully she can forget this."

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