$5 Per Scream [VIDEO]: Zimbabwean Women Tricked Into Giving 2 WEEKS' WAGES Every Time They Scream? How Many Pregnant Women Avoid Hospitals and Die PER DAY? Horrific Corruption Details on Zimbabwe

By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | Jul 12, 2013 05:33 PM EDT


We cannot believe our eyes when we saw what is happening in Zimbabwe.

An international report on corruption outlined that Zimbabwe is one of the six countries in the world with high corruption in the medical sector. The hospitals charge women $5 every time they could not withhold their screams while giving birth.

In a time of the greatest agony any woman has ever faced, they were told to either stifle their screams or pay an equivalent of an average 2 weeks of wages ($5 per scream). In addition, the hospitals deliver babies for the cost of $50, which is equivalent to 4 months of wages.

Transparency International has outlined the report, and has claimed that the average yearly wage of Zimbabweans as $150 per year. An impossible amount is being charged for the pregnant women's pricy exclamations.

The hospitals would not free the woman until she has paid all the fees. Interest would compound on the fees until they are paid off.

The $5 per scream to stop "false alarms" has made many woman opt to have childbirth at their own homes. However, statistics show that one in eight pregnant woman die each day in Zimbabwe due to childbirth.

Zimbabwe is one of the poorest nations in the world, with nearly 95% of its citizens unemployed during the corrupt reign under President Mugabe.

Yells might be stifled for the African women in labor, but the report has shown that the no corruption can be hidden. Hope the medical sector in Zimbabwe would stop tearing apart lives and rebuild the country from the ashes of corruption.

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