American Soldier and WikiLeaks Informer Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 Years of Imprisonment; Prosecution Not Satisfied with Penalty (VIDEO+REPORT)

By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | Aug 21, 2013 12:45 PM EDT


The 25-year old US soldier released an apology last week stating that he did not foresee the "unexpected results" of his decisions.

The prosecutors wanted him to serve for 60 years as a warning for other leakers. However, Manning's 35-year sentence will be decreased by 112 days as compensation for his harsh arrest and confinement. He can also earn some time off his sentence for good behavior. To become eligible for the parole, he should serve at least one third of his sentence.

Manning's trial became the center of public debate, as his supporters believe that what he did uplifts the nation's right for information. During the trial, the soldier's supporters wore black T-shirts with the word "truth". Along with the reading of his sentence, Judge Col Denise Lind also gave a dishonorable dismissal for Manning, forfeiting some of his salary earned as a soldier.

The 25-year old defendant was convicted after the prosecution presented incriminating evidence of his actions in Iraq in 2010. While Manning was stationed there as a junior intelligence analyst, he revealed thousands of confidential battlefield summaries and diplomatic proceedings. This information was all published in WikiLeaks, causing a public stir.

When asked why he revealed the information, Manning said that he did what he did in hopes of educating the public about the US foreign policy and military practices.

In a statement read during his hearing, the ex-soldier was quoted telling the court martial in Fort Meade Maryland, "the last three years have been a learning experience for me".

WikiLeaks is a website managed by the pro-transparency movement spearhedaded by Julian Assange.

Here is a video of the information supposedly leaked by Manning. The video was published by WikiLeaks:

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