Wentworth Miller Comes Out of the Closet, Refuses Russian Film Fest Invitation - What Made Him Do it? [VIDEO+REPORT]

By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | Aug 22, 2013 10:21 AM EDT


'Prison Break' Actor Wentworth Miller finally admitted the rumors about his sexual orientation to be true through a letter he sent to the organizers of this year's St. Petersburg International Film Festival.

The Hollywood star shared that he refused the invitation because he disapproves how the Russian government looks down on homosexuals as well as how they maltreat gay men and women in their country, adding that most of his kind are basically stripped off of their basic rights by the same body.

"Thank you for your kind invitation. As someone who has enjoyed visiting Russia in the past and can also claim a degree of Russian ancestry, it would make me happy to say yes," the now 41-year-old actor wrote. "However, as a gay man, I must decline."

Miller's referenced his decision to Russia's anti-homosexual laws that prohibit "propaganda on nontraditional sexual relations," thus, promoting conventional Russian values over liberal sexual relationship idealisms. The same laws also hinder same-sex couples from adopting Russian-born children.

"Wentworth's bold show of support sends a powerful message to LGBT Russians, who are facing extreme violence and persecution: you are not alone," GLAAD Representative and 'My So-Called Life' Star Wilson Cruz commented.

Many homosexuality advocates also praised Wentworth Miller not only for finally coming out of the closet, but also on his brave gesture to make a stand for his community.

"As people from across the globe continue to speak out against this horrific law, more celebrities and corporations should follow his courageous lead in openly condemning Russia's anti-LGBT law," Wilson added.

Nevertheless, Wentworth Miller concluded his letter on a positive note by saying, "Perhaps, when and if circumstances improve, I'll be free to make a different choice."

Alongside this issue, the Russian government's stand on homosexuality sparked interests internationally, given that its anti-homosexual laws enable the country to detain any suspected-gay foreign visitor for up to 15 days. Many people raised such concern via the internet, knowing that Russia will host the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympics.

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