Modern Democracy Is Facing A Paradigm Shift: Celebrity-Style Presidents And Distorted Political Images

By JC Santos | Dec 20, 2016 04:32 AM EST


It was with populist opinions and figureheads that the Second World War began. Current political climates suggest that modern democracy has begun in decline. Analysts said that anti-democratic sentiments -- bordering on authoritarianism -- have grown in recent years with public skepticism increasing against organized establishments.

According to New York Times -- in a post written by Harvard Professors of Government Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt -- America's democracy is in danger. The professors described that the "ascent of anti-democratic politicians" into mainstream politics. Their study cited the study of Political Scientist Juan J. Linz that describes anti-democratics as "those with a failure to reject violence unambiguously" and those who wish to "curtail rivals' civil liberties" and "denying the legitimacy of elected governments."

Analysts and observers blame the popularity of US President-Elect Donald Trump on the spread of fake news in the internet and social media. His popularity is that of a "celebrity" due to his capability to listen directly to the public rather than advisors -- the latter allowing him to make people believe certain ideas despite lack of evidence.

Public mistrust in established organizations such as the media and government has urged many to note certain "patterns." According to The American Spectator, established media outlets such as The Times and Washington Post have deliberately questioned the presidential election results by "blaming the Russians for Hillary's dismal showing in the Electoral College vote." Writer Esther Goldberg said US media "pulled out all stops in trying to get Hillary elected."

US President Barack Obama was famous for his open-minded approach with human rights and anti-racism. Goldberg had noted that Obama had once denounced Fox news and other critics of the current administration and that he had also failed to curb violence during lootings, riots and police officer murders. She had concluded that Obama is also an authoritarian based on the criteria described by Professors Levitsky and Ziblatt.

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