Seahorse Shaped UFO Seen Hovering Over Belfast, Ireland; What Experts Think It Is [VIDEO & REPORT]

By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | Sep 19, 2013 11:23 AM EDT


An unidentified flying object has been spotted and videotaped hovering in the skies over Belfast, Ireland. It appears to be shaped rather like a question mark, or a seahorse, and can be seen reflecting light and shifting its shape while in midair.

The exact date when the UFO footage was filmed was not indicated, however it was uploaded to Youtube on September 15th, by a person whose username is Bap.

Bap, who says he/she is a 24-hour watcher of the skies, says that he/he had filmed footage of other UFOs before, calling them inter-dimensional beings, claiming that this particular floating seahorse-shaped UFO may even be a living entity, pointing out that it looked to have some legs towards the end of the video.

Several UFOs have taken on the strangest shapes; while most have been saucer-shaped, some have taken the shape of cigars, crescents, donuts, rods-although the authenticity of these objects remain to be seen, mostly dismissed as a trick of the light, or wayward weather balloons.

"Congrats! You filmed a balloon!" a user named Tommyr commented on the video.

The footage has been presented to photo and video analyst Marc Dantonio (a member of the Mutual UFO Network), who later stated that the "creature" was a pre-shaped mylar balloon. Mylar balloons come in all shapes, and in this case, the UFO might have been a question mark-shaped balloon. Its shape-shifting abilities could be attributed to its turning around in the wind.

"My assessment is that this was a lost question, floating high above the ground, never to be answered..." Dantonio cheekily adds.  

Timely-placed metaphor notwithstanding, several questions have indeed been left unanswered in the air regarding many UFO sightings; you need only harness the powers of Google and/or end up in the stranger parts of Youtube in the deep of night to ask these questions yourself.

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