“Trump or Biden?” Mark Cuban Letting ChatGPT Decide Based on a Debate Transcript Goes Viral

By Moon Harper | Jul 05, 2024 10:52 AM EDT


The presidential debate that happened on Thursday has indeed stirred different reactions online about who people should support.

Mark Cuban, renowned for his business and television ventures, introduced his innovative approach on X, which went viral for asking artificial intelligence to analyze the candidates' performances based on a transcript of the televised debate aired from CNN's Atlanta studio.

In the post, Cuban said: "I cut and paste a transcript of the debate into ChatGPT and asked it who it would hire for a job."

Cuban wanted to assess Joe Biden and Donald Trump for a hypothetical employment scenario based on their communication skills, clarity, problem-solving abilities, and overall professionalism.

Here's what the AI assessment highlighted from a hiring perspective:

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Joe Biden's AI Assessment: The Pros and Cons

As pros, ChatGPT highlighted Joe Biden's 'extensive experience' in public service, which underscores his deep understanding of governmental processes and leadership roles, and his 'empathy and social awareness,' which focuses on community impact.

However, ChatGPT highlighted Biden's 'lack of coherence and clarity,' appearing fragmented and unclear during the debate, and his tendency to veer off-topic and provide disjointed and consistent answers as cons.

Donal Trump's AI Assessment: The Pros and Cons

Donald Trump's pros include his 'assertiveness and confidence' in communication, which is a strong leadership quality, and his 'economic focus,' underscoring his prioritization of financial performance and business acumen.

However, ChatGPT criticized Trump's excessive use of 'hyperbole and exaggeration,' coupled with grandiose claims that might raise concerns about his reliability in conveying accurate information. It also criticized his 'lack of specifics' in offering detailed plans or specific solutions.

According to ChatGPT, while both candidates exhibit strengths, neither fully embodies all the ideal qualities one might seek in a professional setting based solely on the debate transcript. Biden's empathy and experience are commendable, yet his communication challenges raise concerns. Trump's confidence and economic focus are notable, but his tendency towards exaggeration and lack of specifics present issues.

Therefore, based solely on their debate performance, the post reads, making a definitive hiring decision for either candidate would be difficult without additional evaluation of their professional capabilities and how well they fit specific job requirements.

Since it was shared on Sunday, Cuban's post has garnered over 3.3 million views.

Cuban As A Biden Supporter

Cubans have long been known as supporters of Biden. The entrepreneur told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in March that he would always choose Biden, even if Trump were "being given last rites."

During Biden's 2020 campaign, Cuban, who gained fame as an investor on the ABC reality show Shark Tank, characterized Biden as "the right choice for business," pointing to Trump's "botched" response to the coronavirus pandemic which resulted in economic instability, CNBC reported.

In another X post, Cuban said he would still choose Biden regardless, for he is the ethical candidate who consistently upholds his oath and prioritizes the country over personal interests.

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