By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | Oct 04, 2013 12:06 PM EDT


A 2-year-old baby named Xiao Feng reportedly gave birth to his own twin, an underdeveloped fetus, Huffington Post reported Wednesday.

According to 2-year-old Xiao Feng's parents noticed how his stomach seemed to appear quite bloated, which they thought attributed to his difficulty in breathing. They then rushed the baby boy to a nearby hospital.

Reports stated that the doctors were surprised on what they found inside Xiao Feng's stomach, which they had removed from his system after a successful emergency surgery: an underdeveloped fetus, which they believed was actually Feng's twin.

Doctors explained that Feng's case was beyond normal. They said that while identical twins are made when a fertilized egg splits in two and conjoined twins occur when a fertilized egg begins to split, but fails to realize the process completely, Feng's case is unusual since the other developed fetus was absorbed into his forming body while still inside their mother's womb.

According to Inquisitr's translated report on local media outlet news in China, the doctors had no choice but to remove the parasitic twin surgically or Xiao Feng's life could have been put in grave danger. The dead fetus was said to about 10 inches wide and it even had fully-formed limbs and spine.

While this may seem very unbelievable, a similar case can be traced in 2012, when a three-year-old boy in Peru was discovered to be carrying his own parasitic twin brother inside his stomach as well. It was also surgically removed upon the shocking discovery.

Meanwhile, another similar case was documented in 2008 in Greece. A 9-year-old girl was initially diagnosed with a tumor, but doctors were shocked when they found out that it was an underdeveloped fetus of the girl's twin that was inside of her since she was born, according to Medical News Today.

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