By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | Oct 11, 2013 09:51 AM EDT


A Mexico woman struggled to give birth to her baby on a hospital lawn after the clinic's nurse denied her from seeing a doctor. The incident happened in Oct. 2 at Oaxaca in Mexico, but the it is still fresh to the ears of people who find it bizarre for a woman to give birth on lawn, more so to be denied of proper hospital services.

According to WebProNews, a woman was compelled to give birth on the lawn of a hospital facility after a staff turned her away, claiming that she was rather "not ready" for delivery yet since she had only been 8 months pregnant that time. However, it seems that as unpredictable as where the mother bore her kid, an hour-and-a-half later her water broke, prompting her husband to call for help.

The woman, later identified as 29-year-old Irma Lopez, went through labor and delivery while holding to a wall next to the hospital while squatting to the grassy ground. A few minutes later, she gave birth on the lawn to her third child.

"I didn't want to deliver like this. It was so ugly and with so much pain," she said in an interview with the local media.

Several images of the Lopez while she gave birth on the lawn surfaced in the net, igniting an outrage amongst Mexican citizens. The viral photo led many to question the ethics of the Rural Health Center of the village of San Felipe Jalapa de Diazand, where Lopez was denied of entry.

Due to the public outrage, the Oaxaca government decided to sanction the center's director Dr. Adrian Cruz by suspending him from office for the time being. Additionally, officials are conducting state and federal investigations on what had led the woman to give birth on the lawn of the facility.

Examiner pointed out that the incident was caused by the prevalent poor maternal care hospital facilities have been providing women in Mexico. The news site even added that due to the discrimination against indigenous people, many women die during their delivery or during their post-pregnancy period because of the scarcity in proper healthcare services to the pregnant.

"The photo is giving visibility to a wider structural problem that occurs within indigenous communities: Women are not receiving proper care. They are not being offered quality health services, not even a humane treatment," Oaxaca's representative for the national Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights Mayra Morales said on the incident that compelled the indigenous woman to give birth on the lawn.

Nevertheless, Lopez was reportedly admitted to the clinic after her delivery and was discharged later that day.

"I am naming him Salvador," Lopez said. "He really saved himself," she added referring to the meaning of her newborn's name which means "Savior" in English.

As of today, the woman who birth on the lawn of a healthcare facility and her son are doing well.

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