New Airplane Mode Allowed For iPhones on Flights

By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | Oct 31, 2013 02:03 PM EDT


Airlines are catching up with the times, but don't expect to make calls on your cell phone while in flight any time soon. But you will be able to soon watch video and play games on your iPhones, and not just at certain altitudes. This comes after months of study by The FAA, following months who are giving the green light for passengers to use portable devices such as tablets, laptop computers, e-readers and cell phones in airplane mode during their flights, with only a few circumstantial restrictions. Up to this points air travellers, had to wait until their flight reached ten thousand feet in the air before they could sue their devices.

Individual airlines will dictate when these changes take effect,as the airlines will be required by the FAA, to prove their flights will not be affected by the use of such devices. Delta Airlines and JetBlue Airways were the first to file with the FAA, for this approval and both had representatives on the panels.

In the past the FAA believed that such devices posed safety issued during landing and takeoff. It was believed such devices might interfere with the planes communications and navigation systems. Last year a panel concluded that most commercial planes built newer planes in recent years had been built with portable electronics in mind. This, hardened them against electromagnetic interference , thought to cause the disruption, making them more tolerable.

According to a 2013 CEA/Airline Passenger Experience Association study, it was estimated sixty nine percent of passengers who traveling with an e-device used their devices on a flight, and one-third of passengers admitted leaving one on in flight by accident. In in-flight mode, passengers will not be allowed to download anything from the internet. Advocates for flight attendants, have countered this will make their jobs harder by having to monitor this, but firewall can be installed on the plane's wi-fi to prevent this kind of activity. Leaving the only problem devising ways to make sure the passengers pay attention when it comes to the flights safety instructions.

Travel bloggers have scoffed at this saying, it was outdated from the beginning because , no one ever turned off their devices anyway. But all parties have agreed , safety and security are not the only components to a happy traveler and this will in the long run only benefit all parties involved.

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