Are Celebrity Behavior’s Similar to Rotten Apples? Spoiled...

By Sharon Braxton | Jan 25, 2014 05:46 PM EST


The stories are interchangeable and it seems as though free passes on bad conduct are oftenhanded out to the rich and famous.From Dennis Rodman, Robert Downey, Jr., Nick Nolte, Dennis Hopper, Paris Hilton, LindsayLohan, Miley Cyrus and now Justin Bieber have joined the A-List roster of Celebrities that thinkthey are invincible.

In the latest string of celebrities behaving recklessly, according to TMZ, 19-year-old Justin Bieber was arrested for underage drinking, drag racing in a bright yellow Lamborghini, and resisting arrest at 4:00 am in Miami, Florida on January 23, 2014. Some of his fans still support him. @iJDBieberWifey, a Justin fan tweeted, "I just want to hug Justin and tell him that everything's gonna be alright and that we'll always be there for him nomatter what."

Other celebrities are not so forgiving of the teen superstar. Thromedamnball,Keyshawn Johnson, Justin's former neighbor and NFL Player turned NFL Studio Analyst tweeted,

"They finally caught HIM! Glad no one was hurt, no kids in the street. Everyone grows up at somepoint. Hopefully he learns from it."

In 2012, there were 10,322 fatalities in crashes due to a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 and it is nearly four times higher at night, according to the National Highway Traffic SafetyAdministration. (Mother's Against Drunk Driving) states that there is a reason whythe drinking age is 21; it protects the maturation process of young people.Below is a video on teens, alcohol, and the severity of this issue. Katie Couric speaks withbereaved parents who lost their child at 18 years-old due to a drunk driving accident.

Reports from CNN are coming in and analysts are questioning Bieber's parents. It is important toparent your child as opposed to being your child's friend or their fan when they make a decisionto break the law. Police Officers are to enforce the law when necessary instead of being starstruck. Drag racing, drugs and/ or alcohol do not have a sticker on the packaging stating that therich are exempt from consequences because they hold a celebrity status. Posting pictures with sunglasses and waving to fans during a serious matter can be perceived asannoying, invincible-like behavior, especially when the careless situation could have turneddeadly. This speaks to the immaturity of the driver. Everyone makes mistakes during weakmoments, but it takes a strong person or someone with wisdom to say enough! Money and fameshould never be the reason a person is not prosecuted. Perhaps, we can avoid destruction byholding celebrities more accountable for their poor decision-making. This will prevent them andtheir entourage from having blood on their hands if or when something goes terribly wrong. 

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