By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | Apr 25, 2014 11:02 AM EDT


George Clooney is definitely not letting anyone pass if they ever curse or swear at President Obama, even if you are the very influential Las Vegas casino mogul Steve Wynn. Clooney will proudly stand up for his President and friend by calling you 'an a**hole' in public.

According to Fox News, George Clooney had an epic head-to-head with Steve Wynn at Encore hotel that ended with the famous actor calling the influential mogul "an a**hole."

Witnesses say that George was dining with Rande Gerber when the incident happened, adding that the Wynn's security guards were actually prepared to pounce on Clooney on the mogul's orders.

"George and Rande were in Vegas for a party for their Casamigos tequila and had an early dinner with Wynn and other associates," a source explained to Page Six.

"Things turned nasty as Wynn was provoking George, talking about politics. At first George just wasn't responding. He just sat there politely listening," the source continued. "Steve kept pushing and pushing, then started raising his voice. George still didn't respond, he really didn't want to get into it."

In the heat of Wynn's rough blows, he suddenly brought up Obamacare, and this may have pushed the "Gravity" star's buttons.

Discussing Obamacare, Steve called Obama 'an a - - hole,'" the source said. "George responded, 'President Obama is my friend, don't talk about him like that.' Wynn then shot back, 'Your friend is an a**hole!'

Infuriated, George Clooney reportedly glared at Steve and responded forcefully with "No! You are an a**hole, and I'm not going to sit here any more and listen to this!"

George Clooney talked about the intense exchange in his statement to the press: "There were nine people at that table so you can ask them. Steve likes to go on rants He called the president an a--e. That is a fact. I said the president was my longtime friend and then he said, 'Your friend is an a--e'. At that point I told Steve that HE was an a-e and I wasn't going to sit at his table while he was being such a jackass. And I walked out. There were obviously quite a few more adjectives and adverbs used by both of us. It had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with character."

Wynn, on the other hand, said that Clooney was apparently downing tequila shots and told the Las Vegas Review Journal of the dust-up with the star two weeks ago, "When he's drinking, he considers himself a close personal buddy of the president."

Wynn further said, "Clooney's fun to be with when he's sober. If you have a chance to drink with him, you want to get there early, and don't stay late."

Wynn maintained that it was not him who instigated the verbal exchange, but Clooney who began "throwing a hissy fit" following a Hollywood executive's joke about Mikhail Gorbachev.

The Las Vegas casino mogul added that George Clooney began to talk about Obama's health reforms, and that the actor didn't like it whenever he responded with opposing views.

"When he's drinking, he considers himself a close personal buddy of the president," Wynn said. "The only person who got excited at the table was George, and he ran off to another bar."

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