Sex Inside Toilet Of A Virgin Atlantic Flight Passenger Airplane Resulted To A Warning On A British Girl In Her 20's

By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | May 05, 2014 08:40 AM EDT


Sex that was perpetrated inside a toilet of a Virgin Atlantic flight passenger airplane resulted to U.S. police warning given to a British girl in her 20's. Reports posted at the Daily Mail online news section detailed the events that a British girl had sexual intercourse with a male passenger she just met while she was with her parents on their way to Las Vegas.

The sex incident which caused some stir during a flight of the Virgin Atlantic passenger plane was elaborated on the news. The British girl was known to be drunk at the time she was interrogated by the police in the U.S. after reports were made that she had sexual acts with a man inside the toilet of the airliner.

An intervention from the cabin crew of the airplane was done after some loud noises were heard from the toilet and disturbed some of the passengers. The British girl who was flying with her parents bound for Las Vegas, was seen accompanied by a man sitting next to her going to the airplane's toilet. After the incident with the air stewards and the perpetrators who were quarreling on the Virgin Atlantic flight, U.S, authorities took the girl away for questioning upon arriving to their destination.

A passenger of the same Virgin Atlantic flight told The Sun, that the British girl was beginning to get heated with a man next to her, adding "They went to the bathroom and people could hear loud noises. The cabin crew forced the door open, then she really kicked off." The Sun paper also reported that the sexual events happened last week on a Virgin Atlantic flight from London Gatwick heading to Las Vegas.

The British girl who was questioned by U.S. authorities was released, and only got a warning for the incident. While Virgin Atlantic recently released a statement that they do not allow any bad behavior inside their planes committed by passengers.

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