Boko Haram Terrorists Known To Wage War Against Nigeria And Kidnapping Of More Than 250 Schoolgirls, Strikes Terror Again

By Jobs & Hire Staff Reporter | May 07, 2014 11:11 PM EDT


Boko Haram the Islamist extrimist group labeled as a terrorist organization by the U.S. in Novmber 2013 recently launched another gruesome attach on a Nigerian village known to be an established base for troops in search for an estimated 276 abducted schoolgirls, according to witnesses reports in CNN on Wednesday.

The Nigerian village, Gamboru Ngala came to an attack from Boko Haram that lasted for hours leaving at least 150 people killed, while eye witnesses say that other victims were even burned alive. This will be part of a series of assaults and abductions carried out by the terrorist organization in efforts to destabilize and overthrow the Nigerian Government in order to replace the country under Islamic Rule.

International concerns were raised to the Nigerian Government ability to take control of the region inhabited by the terror group was established. The series of attacks from the terrorists organization alarmed President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria to accept offers of assistance from the U.S., British and Chinese, which officials from responding governments addressed.

The major involvement for these nations in their efforts to aid the Nigerian government over the fight against the Boko Haram is also to focus primarily in rescuing and retrieving the estimated 276 schoolgirls that was abducted by the terror group since April 14.

The attack on the Nigerian village was perpetrated by the terror group after military troops responded to a report that the Boko Haram was spotted near the border area near Chad accompanying the abducted schoolgirls, which was later on discovered to be a false information that left the village defenseless from the terrorists assaults, according to local witnesses.

Confirmation of the reports from international news agencies has not yet been available since attempts to get comments from the Nigerian Military forces was unsuccessful. Although some local witnesses told news that the Boko Haram group carried out a well planned attacked over the village which involves deployment of terrorists wearing military uniforms and arriving with three armored personnel carriers. Sources also said that the terror group shouted "Allahu Akbar" which means "God is Great" and then opened fired on the village market, shooting rocket grenades and throwing explosive devices.

Some Nigerian military soldiers who were at the scene of the attack was not able to hold off the assualt made by the terror group, forcing them to flee out of the village said the local witnesses. A Nigerian Senator Ahmed Zanna told CNN reports that the final estimated deaths is close to 300 casualties.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki issued a statement that U.S. officials are already increasing their efforts to provide Nigeria with military consultations and law enforcement assistance to aid the country from future terror attacks. U.S. military personnel is expected to arrive in Nigeria in the coming days to provide intelligence, hostage negotiation tactics, and investigations as a joint coordination with the countries military units.

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