Social Media was bombarded by outrages from fans after Justin Timberlake's birthday tweet to music icon, Madonna was posted.
Recently, the 33 year old Tennessee born singer Justin Timberlake is in the focus of a pervasive Twitter fury after his supposed birthday tweet to Madonna this weekend, creating serious wraths from followers in the said social media network.
After the tweet was posted, followers rapidly ambushed Justin Timberlake on his choice of words used as a birthday greeting and was tagged as insensitive for the wrong choice of phrase.
Justin Timberlake's tweet was reportedly deleted and it read, "A happiest of Bdays to my mother chucking ninja, @Madonna!! Hope you have a great one, M!"
Users bashed him immediately after it was posted and they furiously responded after the commonly known alternative explicative filled phrase, ""mother f-ing n-a."
Ostensibly, some people now use the word "ninja" to refer a certain color of the human race in an insulting fashion. And now no one can ever use the "ninja" word in a manner that doesn't offend and won't make you a racist.
Justin Timberlake only deleted the tweet as a sign of doing some damage control. He later tweeted about Ferguson's events.
Many fans found the tweet to be stupidly offensive and calling Justin Timberlake as insensitive. Some are saying it was racism. It was really impossible to believe that some users bashed and express unnecessary sentiments exposing themselves in the chaos of social media realm.
Because of this social media storm that Justin Timberlake is currently facing, celebrities often believe that they can just delete controversial or scandalous tweets and then it will be completely forgotten. Truth is, it is not that easy. Almost a number of the population visits social media every day.
So as a lesson to everyone who uses social media to air their sentiments, greeting or whatsoever, be extremely cautious in choosing the words you use. Never underestimate the power of the internet.
Justin Timberlake is now having some rough times caused by the social media turmoil he himself created after the alleged offensive Twitter post to singer Madonna.