25-Year Old Restaurant Owner Gets The Crown As Miss Haiti 2014

Carolyn Desert, the 25-year old Haitian restaurant owner was crowned as Miss Haiti 2014 at the Karibe Hotel in Petionville, Haiti on Sunday, September 7, 2014.

The audience was already reciting her name before Carolyn Desert, the 25-year Haitian businesswoman and restaurant owner, was crowned Miss Haiti 2014 on Sunday in Port-au-Prince. She secured the crown, adorned with tiny mirrors and crystals, as she recognized the standing ovation at the Karibe Convention Center. She then repeated her promise that she'd made before in the competition.

Earlier in the pageant, the newly crowned Carolyn Desert vowed to support the youth and the women. She also pledged to support the poor.

Carolyn Desert is a freelance writer, a part-time model and a Mexican restaurant owner in the upscale Petionville district of Port-au-Prince, a restaurant she opened at age 24. She is known for supporting artists and helping underprivileged children. She was a crowd favorite from the beginning of the competition. In addition for winning the crown as Miss Haiti 2014, she was also named as "most photogenic" in the earlier event due to her stunning smile. Her articulate and well-expressed response during the pageant's question-and-answer portion made the audience of over 400 people explode in applause.

Miss Haiti 2014 Carolyn Desert said that she is a woman who is running after her dreams and that Haitian women have more than looks to offer. Haitian women have perseverance, courage and resilience according to Carolyn.

Carolyn Desert was one of the only two women among the of contestants with closely cropped hair, a choice that had been severely deliberated by Haitians in social media and on the radio, with some critiquing participants for choosing to wear hair extensions or straightening their hair instead of embracing the natural essence of their crowning glory.

In the Miss Haiti competition, Carolyn Desert was crowned Miss Haiti 2014 while contestants Christie Desir, Nastassia Raymond and Jennifer Verdieu were named the runners-up. Carolyn was cheered by 16 girls from the Restavek Freedom Foundation, an organization that helps rescue child slaves in Haiti.

Miss Haiti 2014, Carolyn Desert will represent the country on tours sponsored by Haiti's tourism ministry. She will also compete in the Miss World pageant in London in December.

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