ISIS Warn President Obama in New Video

The Islamic State has released a 52-second video on Tuesday in response to the US President Barack Obama's plans of 'destroying' the fundamentalist jihadist group.

The film, which was titled 'Flames of War', displays images of attacks on a military convoy and then US soldiers in the custody of terrorists who are apparently about to execute them.

Although President Obama has insisted that US troops will not be sent back to Iraq, many pundits have insisted otherwise. This video was apparently released shortly after the chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, told Congress that forces on the ground can be instrumental in defeating the ravaging terrorists, who are currently in control of large parts of Syria and some swatches of northern Iraq.

It appears that the terrorists are anticipating this eventuality as they say the "Fighting has just begun" in their latest video.

The US and more than 30 other nations have agreed to conduct air raids on the leaders and stockpile of this terrorist organization. Earlier in the week, the US made its first aerial strikes near Bagdad. Reports indicate that nearly 200 air raids have been made thus-far.

Meanwhile, the Syrian government has warned the US against conducting air strikes on terrorists within the country's borders. But many pundits say despite these warnings, President Bashar Assad is unlikely to respond militarily to US attacks on ISIS targets in Syria.

Videos have been key to the mass communication strategy of ISIS. Over the past few months, the group has released many videos, including some that displayed the gruesome beheading of three westerners and others that have sought to spread propaganda and recruit fighters for ISIS.

ISIS, President Barack Obama