Monica Lewinsky Response To The Alleged Leaked Nude Photos Of Her

The name Monica Lewinsky will be forever remembered thanks to the scandal she has linked herself with when former President Bill Clinton was the president. Now she is back! Thanks to the alleged leaked nude photos of her spreading online.

On September 12, an essay about the controversial nude photos leaked out through hacking iCloud. She put her insights regarding the issue and what she has in her mind.

Lewinsky was also one of those women who have their intimate or sexy photos on the net. Her friend told her this, “I hate to break it to you, but there are seductive pictures of you in lingerie floating around the web.” She was mortified as she said on her essay.

When she saw the pictures she was relieved that it was not her. Along the side, she discussed about violation of the privacy of women. Back then, she was also a victim of such. When a 20-hour audiotape of her conversation with her friend, Linda Tripp. They were talking mostly about diets, among others.

She ended her essay with a statement from Nancy Libin with regard to photo hacking is this, “sort of death by a thousand cuts. Until there’s some BP oil spill equivalent for the Net, people are not going to take it seriously enough.”

What's the reason behind Lewinsky coming out in the open, having an essay published that talks about photo hacking and the violation of the privacy of women? Is this an attempt to step forward, to be the voice for women whose rights have been violated? Or is this going to be another gig to earn a huge check in the future?

Attention seeker she might be. Who knows? Monica Lewinsky might be on the road in upholding the law and give justice to women.