Suspects For The Slaying Of A Man Who Responded To Their Craigslist Ad Sentence To Life Imprisonment

According to a report, a couple whose ad in Craigslist convinced a stranger to respond and led to his death were now sentenced to life imprisonment on Thursday. The judge said that they will be put to behind bars without any parole. This is permanently remove the couple out of the society.

The couple showed no emotion at all when they were inside the courtroom as the relatives of the victim describe what they were feeling since they had experienced after the murder.

Holly LaFerra, who is the sister of the victim, said, ""Even if they each serve 50 years, they still will not feel any guilt or sympathy. They completely lack empathy. They have no conscience, no remorse and no moral compass. "They lack the most basic element of humanity."

Elytte Barbour read in the court the written apology. He then, acknowledged that it was indeed a senseless crime. However, he can not explain why he did such act.

As he said, "it is not the person who I am. It's not the person I want to be."

The wife of Elytte, Miranda, did not however made any statement at all.

Last month, Elytte and Miranda, pleaded guilty to the second-degree murder. The crime carries with it a life sentence when there is a plea deal. It will ruled out the imposition of the death penalty in this case.
The couple posted an ad that offers female companionship. Troy LaFerrara responded to that ad. On that very day that he was killed, Miranda, picked Troy up right at the mall then driving towards Sunbury while her husband was hiding underneath the blanket right at the back seat.

Once the car was parked, Elytte get out from his hiding place, put a cord around LaFerrara's neck. His wife, then, stabbed the victim for about 20 times. After that, they dumped the victim's body right on the alley.

On the initial investigation, Miranda, denied the accusation of her knowing the victim. However, she then, changed her mind because there have been records to prove that she was the last person in contact with the victim.

Then, Elytte said to the police that they did the killing of the victim for the reason that the two of them want to kill a person together.