President Obama Delivers ISIS Speech Launching Airstrike In Syria

US President Barack Obama delivered ISIS speech authorizing airstrike in Syria despite risks. Obama's speech defined America's strategy to destroy the Islamic States insurgents; he made it clear that the American air war against ISIS was going to expand from Iraq to Syria.

American warplanes began hitting Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). A coalition of five Arab nations namely Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates joined the US in carrying out airstrikes. ISIS is an Islamic militant group that has held parts of Iraq and Syria and beheaded two Americans.

In Obama's ISIS speech he swore to protect American military personnel in Iraq. The US can't hit ISIS targets in densely populated areas without risking significant loss of civilian life, which would be a moral and strategic disaster. In 2013, Obama proposed a bombing campaign against Syria but opinion polls showed Americans opposing his decision.

It was clear when Obama said that it is not America's fight alone but a battle for peace and security that the people and the world deserve. Obama's ISIS speech also discussed about possible further movements against Syria especially for training Syrian rebels to fight against ISIS.

ISIS took advantage of the advance warning in Obama's ISIS speech. The group are preparing for the airstrikes, moving its top leadership and most sophisticated weapons from Raqqa. Officials who instructed reporters before the speech on condition of not being identified said airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria would occur at a time and place of their choosing.

The ISIS speech delivered by President Obama included four strategies that will destroy the Islamic State terrorist group. Obama told Americans that it would take time and there are risks involved in eliminating ISIL. He also talked ways that the US has sought to mobilize international action to resolve the Ukraine and Ebola crises as well, including getting developing economic sanctions on Russia and dispatching 3,000 US troops to West Africa to help deal with the Ebola outbreak.

President Obama also conveyed by addressing Americans of their capability to lead and to make a difference. He stated that their nation's safety and security is dependent on their willingness to defend their country and to uphold the morals that they stand for. His speech on ISIS said that the endless ideals that will withstand long after those who offer only abhorrence and annihilation have been defeated from the earth.

On Obama's ISIS speech he shared that one of the civilians who were rescued when trapped in the combat said that they be in debt on their American friends who saved their lives. Their children will always reminisce that there was someone who sensed their struggle and prepared an expedition to protect and defend innocent individuals.

President Barack Obama, President Obama, ISIS, US airstrikes
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