English scientist Stephen Hawking has admitted to being an atheist with due confidence in science during an interview about his thoughts on the origins of the universe.
On Tuesday, while attending the Starmus Festival in Tenerife, Canary Island, the famous scientist said he couldn't agree with the notion of the world being created by a God or deity as most religious philosophies declare.
Hawking believes men created God in the absence of a scientific formula to explain certain phenomenon that baffled human societies at the time.
"Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation," He is quoted explaining by Spanish daily by El Mundo.
Hawking goes on to note that "in my opinion, there is no aspect of reality beyond the reach of the human mind".
Hawking, who is well known for his break-through on black holes and other difficult scientific subjects, also said he believes technological advancements, especially in space travel, could save the human race from possible extinction.
He noted that he considers it is necessary and very important for man to explore every facet of the universe, "it could prevent the disappearance of humanity by colonizing other planets," he stressed.
Hawking also explained that he believes in the existence of others beings besides the human race in the universe, but advices no contacts as an interaction with the wrong party could be fatal for humanity.
Hawkings, who is now 72, is considered to have 'beaten the odds' for patients with the debilitating ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease. When he was diagnosed with the motor neurone disease at 21, doctors said he would live for only two years.
Earlier in the year, Hawking participated in the Ice Bucket challenge by proxy (through his children) because he was reportedly under the risk of developing pneumonia if the bucket of cold water was poured on him.