Anderson Cooper is an esteemed CNN anchor and the 46-year old son of heiress Gloria Vanderbilt. In an interview with radio host Howard Stern in April, Cooper said that the family's money won't fall in his lap. According to TheRichest, his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt has a net worth of $200 million.
Anderson Hays Cooper came from a family with money. His maternal grandparents were millionaire equestrian Reginald Claypoole Vanderbilt and socialite Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, while his maternal great-great-great grandfather was Cornelius Vanderbilt of the legendary Vanderbilt shipping and railroad fortune. He is also the younger son of writer Wyatt Emory Cooper and heiress Gloria Vanderbilt, who is also a known artist, designer, writer and entrepreneur. Celebrity Net Worth lists his fortune as $100 million.
In Anderson Cooper's interview in April that was reported by Daily News, he revealed that his mom, Gloria Vanderbilt made clear that there will be no trust fund. He also added that he doesn't believe in inheriting money and that he thinks having one would be a "curse." He also emphasized that his family believe in working.
Gloria Vanderbilt is known for her successful careers in fashion and art. The 90-year old heiress is recognized for being a descendant of railroad magnate Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, the third wealthiest American of all time who died with equal net worth to $185 billion after adjusting for inflation.
Though Anderson Cooper has the fortune and connections to live a lazy but comfortable life, he paid more attention to the thought that his dad grew poor in Mississippi. He added that it was a healthier thing to pay attention to instead of some prestige of a great-great-great grandfather who has no connection to his life. In his interview, he even joked that he did not own any railroads. As for his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt's net worth, he said that she made more money on her own than she ever inherited.
"Who's inherited a lot of money that has gone on to do things in their own life? From the time I was growing up, if I felt that there was some pot of gold waiting for me, I don't know that I would've been so motivated," Anderson Cooper stated on his interview with Howard Stern.
Anderson Cooper is a renowned journalist, author and television personality. He earns an annual salary of $11 million from CNN. While his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt has an extensive career in design and fashion, where she had been able to add on to her net worth aside from what was left behind for her.
Not because of his family's prominence, Anderson Cooper insisted that his family's name and fortune is not important to him. Cooper expressed that he was grateful to his mother for giving him a motivation to work. As reported by ABC News, he said that his mom, Gloria Vanderbilt is the coolest person and admired her for inspiring him with great work ethic. He also added that if he should be a dad one day, he'd likely follow her footsteps.
Anderson Cooper and Gloria Vanderbilt may have come from a family with money, but it was never a hindrance to them to earn more and to become successful. They just prove that even having a net worth of $100 million and $200 million respectively, they still strive to work hard instead of living an easy and lazy life.