Australia Street Kangaroo Fighting Footage Makes Waves Online [VIDEOS]

A short footage of two kangaroos fighting has been going around the internet and generating a lot of attention this week.

The video of the kangaroo fighting, which was posted on YouTube, was reportedly shot on the streets of New South Wales, Australia.

It is not uncommon to find these large marsupials roaming on the streets of Australia. But it is kind of strange to find them settling their differences in human territory. Experts say they were most likely fighting over the rights to control of a source of food.

The two giant leapers, who have been identified as males, pulled out a lot of impressive tricks to topple one another. But the most interesting part of the brawl for many viewers, who admittedly had never witnessed kangaroo fighting, is that the animals dished some professional punches and kicks.

Kangaroo fighting is very common in Australia - particularly among red kangaroos. Young male red kangaroos often fight one another to assert their territorial and mating rights.

During kangaroo fighting, the animals attack one another using their comparatively short forearms. This has led kangaroo fighting to be described as kangaroo boxing. The image of a fighting kangaroo in boxing gloves is a very popular Aussie sporting symbol. Experts say sometimes when the fight between kangaroos gets heated, the animals stand on their tail and use their hind limbs to kick and scratch their opponent. These animals are reportedly so strong that they can crush bones and render their opponents' gut open with their super kicks.

Now, I know what you're thinking. How would a fighting kangaroo fare against a human opponent in a kickboxing match? Well, don't stress your imagination and watch this.

The kangaroo fighting video, which was shared only about a week ago, has gotten over three million views. It kind of makes you think about the possibility of pay-per view kangaroo fights. Of course, there's the question of animals rights to contend with.