Every year, World Mental Health Day is observed every October. The general objective of the said event is to advocate in raising awareness of mental health issues and organizing efforts worldwide. This 2014, the theme is "Living with Schizophrenia."
The World Health Organization focuses on encouraging on how to live healthily if one is suffering with schizophrenia. The World Health Mental Day 2014 is an event for global health education, awareness and advocacy. With this year's theme, thousands of supporters worldwide celebrate this awareness program to bring attention to the mental illness and its major effects on people's lives.
Globally, over 20 million people suffer from schizophrenia, a psychotic illness that affects perception, cognition, behavior and emotions. According to The Nation, schizophrenia and other severe mental illnesses can drive out people to the edges of society, particularly in places where health and social services are incapable to provide support. It will leave them homeless and unemployed.
As said by The International Business Times, more than half of people diagnosed with schizophrenia are unable to access adequate treatment, despite the fact that it is a treatable disorder. Around 90 percent of affected patients who go untreated live in the evolving world. Each year, the National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that one in four American adults suffer from the mental illness. Of those, about one in 17 live with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, major depression or bipolar disorder.
Schizophrenia is a long-term mental health disorder that causes a series of different psychological complications, including hallucinations, delusions, jumbled thoughts which are based on hearing or seeing things that do not exist and behavioral changes. Frequently described as a psychotic illness, schizophrenia means a person may not be able to differentiate their own thoughts from reality.
However, the World Mental Health Day 2014 is a chance for everyone to reflect on the challenges encountered by people with severe mental illness or those who either personally or through friends, family or loved ones have been affected by the disorder. This year's theme aims to advocate in educating and instigating awareness on how to make the lives of schizophrenic patients better.
As the world celebrates World Mental Health Day 2014 with its theme "Living with Schizophrenia," it spreads awareness and understanding about the mental illness, its effects and challenges. It also campaigns and educates in eradicating the major obstacle in achieving recovery which is the social attitude and stigma towards schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.
The theme of the World Mental Health Day 2014 strives to focus the attention to schizophrenia and the social burden that is braved by an affected person. It also targets to inspire and encourage people to seek help and advocate the society to participate in creating awareness about mental health concerns and fight social discrimination issues.
We should always remember that social support can go a long way and can make a significant difference. Through the awareness brought by the World Mental Health Day 2014's theme, people who suffer from schizophrenia can now find a way to cope from this illness. And they will be able to live better and healthier lives.