Italian Nurse Kills 38 Patients She Found 'Challenging'

Nurse kills 38 patients - An Italian nurse has been taken into the custody of the police this past weekend after being accused of violating medical code of conduct and killing up to 38 patients.

Daniela Poggiali, who works for the Lugo Hospital, Ravenna, northern Italy, was put under investigation in April after the death of Rosa Calderoni under her watch. Prosecutors say an autopsy has confirmed that the 78-years-old patient was killed with a potassium chloride injection. It is unclear if this is how the nurse killed all 38 patients she is alleged to have murdered.

The 42-years old nurse's co-workers told Italy's Corriere della Sera that they had always suspected her of mistreating patients after the repeated deaths under her watch. One nurse told the paper that Poggiali is known to play pranks on her colleagues by increasing the laxative medications of patients under their watch. She was also accused of sedating patients she found 'challenging.'

Another of her colleague has revealed that after observing how the nurse kills patients, "We wondered whether these deaths could be so frequent, without anyone doing anything. We were stumped."

Reports indicate that upon the arrest of Poggiali, a selfie of her with the body of a deceased patient was recovered from her phone. It is unclear if this nurse, who killed 38 patients or more, has any mental defects.

Prosecutor Alessandro Mancini has noted that "We believe that this woman aimed to anticipate the death of the terminally ill patients, difficult patients, either because the relatives were demanding or because it was difficult to take care of the patient."

'Nurse kills 38 patients' has been one of the most discussed topics on social media since the beginning of the week. Such medical malpractice is wont to happen all over the world. Earlier in the year, an Australian nurse was charged with killing two elderly women by injecting them with unchecked insulin dosages after they complained about her.