Michael Dunn Sentenced to Life Imprisonment for Murder Of Unarmed Black Teenager

Michael Dunn has on Friday been sentenced to life imprisonment after he was found guilty of first degree murder for killing Jordan Davis - an unarmed Africa-American teenager - after a brief confrontation.

The accused is reported to have shot the Florida teen in 2012 after a dispute concerning the volume of the latter's music.

Michael Dunn, who according to his girlfriend said "I hate that thug music", fired at least 10 rounds into 17-years-old Davis's car. Davis was in the car with three friends and they all sustained fatal injuries.

Michael Dunn's sentence also includes 15 years in jail for shooting his gun into a moving car and 90 years for three counts of attempted murder.

Reports indicate that the accused and his girlfriend met Davis and his friends at a Jacksonville convenience store in November 2012. Michael Dunn asked the teenagers to turn down the volume of the music being played from their cars. But they refused and an argument ensued between them.

Michael Dunn's cold blooded murder of the teenager has been described as racially motivated after Davis's lawyers presented evidence of his racist inclination.

An audio recording of the accused has him calling African American men "animals." In a letter he also says "the more time I am exposed to these people, the more prejudiced against them I become."

A similar incident occurred in 2012 when George Zimmerman trailed and then shot Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old African American teenager.

During the trial, Michael Dunn's lawyer used the controversial Florida "stand your ground" law as a defense of his crime - a plea that saw Zimmerman acquitted of second degree murder in 2013.

The accused insisted that Davis was armed at the time of their confrontation although investigators found this to be false.

Michael Dunn sentencing is proof that "our justice system does work," Judge Russell Healey said.